Advisor Training

The Circle of Wealth® system includes comprehensive coaching and training to ensure financial advisors achieve success with our tools and resources

Click here to visit our Training Schedule

Events & Programs

Member Training

  • The Circle of Wealth® subscription includes extensive advisor training:
    • Self-Study / On-Demand
      • Quick-Start Software Tutorial
      • Get Started Training Course
      • Video Library of Presentation Demonstrations
    • Weekly In-House Training Webinars
      • Introduction to the Personal Economic Model
      • Introduction to Financial GPS
      • Introduction to Spending Game
    • Monthly Webinars Hosted by Don Blanton and the Team of Executive Coaches
      • Time with the Founder
      • Roundtables
      • Case Study Webinars
    • Screen by screen Help (Key Points, Script & Video Tutorial)
    • Support Site with Answers to FAQs & Technical Help Videos

Topic-Specific Coaching Courses

Member Resources

  • The Circle of Wealth® subscription offers members supplementary resources to enhance the process and presentation tools:
    • Video training library
    • Client conversation audio library
    • Scripts library
    • Podcast channels
    • Client-facing downloadable documents
    • Client-ready marketing resources:
      • Educational videos
      • Newsletter articles / blog posts
      • Advisor website samples
      • Printable documents
      • Client communication assessment too

Success Team

  • The Circle of Wealth® subscription offers members assistance aimed at aiding their success:
    • Dedicated and experienced in-house staff
    • Phone and email support, M-F, 9-5 Central
    • Members’ website
    • Support knowledge-base website

Community of Thousands

  • Private member LinkedIn group
  • Annual Member Conference (COW College)

Start your free trial today to learn more about the Circle of Wealth®here to start your free trial

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